Today's Work -
We have a live meeting today at 10:00 am. We will use Zoom, so be ready since it will be our first time using it.
Nick Chatton is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: My Meeting
Time: May 7, 2020, 10:00 AM Vancouver
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 995 1033 4510
Password: 618134
Religion - Watch our Grade 5 video. Today's prayer is led by Natalie, and Nathaniel. We will try to watch it together, but you can watch it first if you wish.
You might want to have your rosary ready as today's prayer is the first decade of the rosary.
Math - Mark Homework Lesson 9 Homework sheet. Then do the extra practice sheet for today's homework.
Daily Live Journal - Week 5. Continue with Thursday.
Language Arts - Read/listen to Holes Chapter 41 and 42. Then choose 2 vocabulary words and complete the vocabulary sheet.
Language Arts - Hidden Animals and Mystery Message Activity
Math - Mad Minute - Do the Mad minute for today.
Catch up on:
Grammar - Voyages 4.5 - Page 88 and 89. Do Exercises 1 - 5. Due Sunday.
New Project - My Dream Vacation. Lesson 3. Continue on this if not done. Research and find out information about your location. You have to do Lesson 1 and 2 before starting on 3.
Check the material in Google Classroom about using See Saw from Mrs. Magel.
Kahoot Poll - Please vote for the next Kahoot if you haven't already.
Fun Fact assignment. - Please create a doc and write at least one fun fact about yourself. Finish this if not done.
P.E. - Go into Miss Gorman's assignment and do the Thursday lesson.
Music - Go into Miss Delfin's assignment and follow the instructions.
Drama - Go into Mrs. Cooper's assignments and follow the instructions.
If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Spend 15 minutes practicing typing on