Welcome to Grade Five

Welcome to Grade Five

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

May 14th, 2020

Today's Work -

Religion - Watch the Grade 4 prayer video. Try to watch around 9:00 am if you can. If not, later is OK too.
Thursday - https://youtu.be/k1AROqVjb4w
Friday -  https://youtu.be/Tyxdsx2EBTQ

Live Meeting at 10:00 am today. (Sorry, it won't be at 10 pm (^_^)

Math - Mark Lesson 11. Homework is Homework sheet for Lesson 11.

Work Search - Pokemon. This is optional.

Holes - Listen and read chapter 43. Then do vocabulary for Chapter 43.

Daily Live Journal - Week 6. Work on Thursday. You can do Friday in your daily live journal over the weekend or just hand it in after Thursday.

New Project - My Dream Vacation. Lesson 4. You need to have finished Lessons 1 - 3 first. Then move onto to Lesson 4.
This one is about climate/weather in your location and when is the best time to visit. Research some information, make a graph and summarize your information as to why you will go at a certain time.
Keep working on this if not done.

Headsprout - Click the assignment and then go to Headsprout following my instructions and do the placement test to get your reading level. If you have done this, continue on Headsprout for 1 or 2 lessons.

Miss Nelson is Missing - Listen to the story. Tell me your favourite thing about the story. Now practice the story to read it aloud. You will go to SeeSaw and record a video of yourself reading it for about 1 minute or more. You should practice for a few days and you can record the video later this week or over the weekend.
I have put up the assignment in SeeSaw. When you record, make sure you are ready to do your best reading. If you make a mistake (not tiny ones) start over. This will be marked on how well prepared you are. Don't rush as you have until Monday to record it.

Grammar - Voyages 4.6 page 90 - 91 Exercises 1 - 2.

Good time to catch up on work:

Unfinished work.

Do Miss Gorman's P.E. for Wednesday if you are not exercising on your own.

Music - Go into Miss Delfin's assignment and follow the instructions.

Drama - Go into Mrs. Cooper's assignments and follow the instructions.

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.

Spend 15 minutes practicing typing on typing.com