Welcome to Grade Five

Welcome to Grade Five

Tuesday, June 28, 2022


Grade 5s. Have a great summer, stay safe and I will see you in September when you will be in grade 6!

Monday, June 27, 2022

 Today's Homework:

Early dismissal at 12:00 pm tomorrow.

Last day of school. Report Cards go home tomorrow.

Bring a bag if you still have items at school.

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kids a-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or Typing.com

Friday, June 24, 2022

Today's Homework:

Finish all missing work in Google classroom.

100 word Spelling test on Friday.

Check your house for any missing textbooks and return them on Monday.

Pizza Party on Monday, June 27th. Please bring in your $7 if you have not already done so.

Students should bring a device (chromebook/laptop/Ipad) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It should have a keyboard attached or connected.

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kids a-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or Typing.com

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Today's Homework:

Finish all missing work in Google classroom.

100 word Spelling test on Friday.

Dress Up Day on Friday. Twins Day. Bring a loonie or toonie for charity.

Pizza Party on Monday, June 27th. Please bring in $7 to join.

Students should bring a device (chromebook/laptop/Ipad) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It should have a keyboard attached or connected.

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kids a-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or Typing.com

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Today's Homework:

Math -  Homework sheet pages 110 - 111 due tomorrow.

Finish all missing work in Google classroom.

100 word Spelling test on Friday.

Talent Show tomorrow at 1:00 pm. Parents who have a child in the talent show are welcome to attend.

Dress Up Day on Friday. Twins Day. Bring a loonie or toonie for charity.

Science Project  - The Rock Cycle due today. Tomorrow is last chance to hand them in.

Math Quiz tomorrow. Unit 7 Lessons 1- 4.

Pizza Party on Monday, June 27th. Please bring in $7 to join.

Students should bring a device (chromebook/laptop/Ipad) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It should have a keyboard attached or connected.

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kids a-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or Typing.com

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Today's Homework:

Math -  MMS pages 274 - 275 # 1 - 7 due tomorrow.

Finish all missing work in Google classroom.

100 word Spelling test on Friday.

Science Project  - The Rock Cycle due today. Tomorrow is last chance to hand them in.

Math Quiz on Thursday. Unit 7 Lessons 1- 4.

Confessions tomorrow. Use Examination of Conscience in Google Classroom to prepare.

Pizza Party on Monday, June 27th. Please bring in $7 to join.

RazKids - reach 30 hours by June 16th.

Students should bring a device (chromebook/laptop/Ipad) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It should have a keyboard attached or connected.

Scholastic orders  Access code is: RC179680

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kids a-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or Typing.com

Monday, June 20, 2022

Today's Homework:

Math -  Homework sheet pages 108 - 109 due tomorrow.

Finish all missing work in Google classroom.

100 word Spelling test on Friday.

Science Project  - The Rock Cycle due . Collaborate with your group, work together to get this done. Instructions in Google Classroom.

Math Quiz on Thursday. Unit 7 Lessons 1- 4.

RazKids - reach 30 hours by June 16th.

Students should bring a device (chromebook/laptop/Ipad) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It should have a keyboard attached or connected.

Scholastic orders  Access code is: RC179680

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kids a-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or Typing.com

Friday, June 17, 2022

Today's Homework:

Math -  MMS pages 268 - 269 # 1 - 5 due Monday. 

Finish all missing work in Google classroom.

Spelling test on Friday.

Hatchet - comprehension questions ch. 9 - 10 due Friday.

Victoria Field Trip Journal due June 17th in Google Classroom.

Science Project  - The Rock Cycle due June 21st. Collaborate with your group, work together to get this done. Instructions in Google Classroom.

RazKids - reach 30 hours by June 16th.

Students should bring a device (chromebook/laptop/Ipad) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It should have a keyboard attached or connected.

Scholastic orders  Access code is: RC179680

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kids a-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or Typing.com

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Today's Homework:

Math -  MMS pages 268 - 269 # 1 - 5 due tomorrow. 

Unit 6 math tests went home this week. Have parents sign it and return to school by Thursday.

15 Spelling Homework Package due Friday.

Spelling Homework Package due Friday.

Spelling test on Friday.

Hatchet - comprehension questions ch. 9 - 10 due Friday.

Victoria Field Trip Journal due June 17th in Google Classroom.

French Quiz tomorrow. Lesson 10 - 12.

Science Project  - The Rock Cycle due June 21st. Collaborate with your group, work together to get this done. Instructions in Google Classroom.

RazKids - reach 30 hours by June 16th.

Finish all missing work in Google classroom.

Students should bring a device (chromebook/laptop/Ipad) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It should have a keyboard attached or connected.

Scholastic orders  Access code is: RC179680

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kids a-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or Typing.com

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Today's Homework:

Math -  Homework Sheet pages 106 - 107 due tomorrow.

Unit 6 math tests went home this week. Have parents sign it and return to school by Thursday.

15 Spelling Homework Package due Friday.

Spelling Homework Package due Friday.

Spelling test on Friday.

Hatchet - comprehension questions ch. 9 - 10 due Friday.

Victoria Field Trip Journal due June 17th in Google Classroom.

French Quiz Friday, June 17th. Lesson 10 - 12.

Science Project  - The Rock Cycle due June 21st. Collaborate with your group, work together to get this done. Instructions in Google Classroom.

RazKids - reach 30 hours by June 16th.

Finish all missing work in Google classroom.

Students should bring a device (chromebook/laptop/Ipad) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It should have a keyboard attached or connected.

Scholastic orders  Access code is: RC179680

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kids a-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or Typing.com

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Today's Homework:

Math -  MMS page 263- 265 # 1 - 6 due tomorrow.

Unit 6 math tests went home yesterday. Have parents sign it and return to school by Thursday.

15 Spelling Homework Package due Friday.

Spelling Homework Package due Friday.

Spelling test on Friday.

French Lesson 12 due Monday.

Science - Concentration questions due Monday.

Hatchet - comprehension questions ch. 5 - 6 due Monday.

Religion Chapter 15 questions due Wednesday.

Victoria Field Trip Journal due June 17th in Google Classroom.

French Quiz Friday, June 17th. Lesson 10 - 12.

Science Project  - The Rock Cycle due June 21st. Collaborate with your group, work together to get this done. Instructions in Google Classroom.

Tennis on Wednesday. Students can wear P.E. strip all day on those days.

RazKids - reach 30 hours by June 16th.

Finish all missing work in Google classroom.

Students should bring a device (chromebook/laptop/Ipad) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It should have a keyboard attached or connected.

Scholastic orders  Access code is: RC179680

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kids a-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or Typing.com

Friday, June 10, 2022

Today's Homework:

Math -  MMS page 263- 265 # 1 - 6 due tomorrow.

Unit 6 math tests went home yesterday. Have parents sign it and return to school by Thursday.

15 Spelling Homework Package due Friday.

Spelling Homework Package due Friday.

Spelling test on Friday.

French Lesson 12 due Monday.

Science - Concentration questions due Monday.

Hatchet - comprehension questions ch. 5 - 6 due Monday.

Religion Chapter 15 questions due Wednesday.

Victoria Field Trip Journal due June 17th in Google Classroom.

French Quiz Friday, June 17th. Lesson 10 - 12.

Science Project  - The Rock Cycle due June 21st. Collaborate with your group, work together to get this done. Instructions in Google Classroom.

Tennis on Wednesday. Students can wear P.E. strip all day on those days.

RazKids - reach 30 hours by June 16th.

Finish all missing work in Google classroom.

Students should bring a device (chromebook/laptop/Ipad) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It should have a keyboard attached or connected.

Scholastic orders  Access code is: RC179680

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kids a-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or Typing.com

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Today's Homework:

Math -  MMS page 260 # 1 - 5 due Monday.

15 Spelling sentences due Friday.

Spelling Homework Package due Friday.

Spelling test on Friday.

French Lesson 12 due Monday.

Science - Concentration questions due Monday.

Dress Up Day tomorrow. Wear Yellow/Red for Pentecost. Bring a $1 or 2 for charity.

Hatchet - comprehension questions ch. 5 - 6 due Monday.

Victoria Field Trip Journal due June 17th in Google Classroom.

Science Quiz: Solutions Tuesday, June 14th.

Religion Quiz "Our Father" on Friday, June 10th.

Science Project  - The Rock Cycle due June 21st. Collaborate with your group, work together to get this done. Instructions in Google Classroom.

Tennis on Monday, Wednesday and Friday next week. Students can wear P.E. strip all day on those days.

RazKids - reach 30 hours by June 16th.

Finish all missing work in Google classroom.

Students should bring a device (chromebook/laptop/Ipad) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It should have a keyboard attached or connected.

Scholastic orders  Access code is: RC179680

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kids a-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or Typing.com

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Today's Homework:

Math -  

15 Spelling sentences due Friday.

Spelling Homework Package due Friday.

Spelling test on Friday.

Science - Concentration questions due Monday.

Dress Up Day Friday. Wear Yellow/Red for Pentecost. Bring a $1 or 2 for charity.

Hatchet - comprehension questions ch. 5 - 6 due Monday.

Victoria Field Trip Journal due June 17th in Google Classroom.

Science Quiz: Solutions Tuesday, June 14th.

Religion Quiz "Our Father" on Friday, June 10th.

Science Project  - The Rock Cycle due June 21st. Collaborate with your group, work together to get this done. Instructions in Google Classroom.

Tennis on Monday, Wednesday and Friday next week. Students can wear P.E. strip all day on those days.

RazKids - reach 30 hours by June 16th.

Finish all missing work in Google classroom.

Students should bring a device (chromebook/laptop/Ipad) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It should have a keyboard attached or connected.

Scholastic orders  Access code is: RC179680

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kids a-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or Typing.com

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Today's Homework:

Math -  

15 Spelling sentences due Friday.

Spelling Homework Package due Friday.

Spelling test on Friday.

Science - Concentration questions due Monday.

Hatchet - comprehension questions ch. 5 - 6 due Monday.

Science Quiz: Solutions Tuesday, June 14th.

Religion Quiz "Our Father" on Friday, June 10th.

Tennis on Monday, Wednesday and Friday next week. Students can wear P.E. strip all day on those days.

RazKids - reach 30 hours by June 16th.

Finish all missing work in Google classroom.

Students should bring a device (chromebook/laptop/Ipad) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It should have a keyboard attached or connected.

Scholastic orders  Access code is: RC179680

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kids a-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or Typing.com

Monday, June 6, 2022

Today's Homework:

Math - Study for math test

15 Spelling sentences due Friday.

Spelling Homework Package due Friday.

Spelling test on Friday.

Math Test Unit 6: Geometry tomorrow.

Science Quiz: Solutions Tuesday, June 14th.

Religion Quiz "Our Father" on Friday, June 10th.

Tennis on Monday, Wednesday and Friday next week. Students can wear P.E. strip all day on those days.

RazKids - reach 30 hours by June 16th.

Finish all missing work in Google classroom.

Students should bring a device (chromebook/laptop/Ipad) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It should have a keyboard attached or connected.

Scholastic orders  Access code is: RC179680

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kids a-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or Typing.com

Friday, June 3, 2022

 Today's Homework:

Math - MMS - Show What You Know pages 250 - 251 # 1 - 8 due Monday.

Math Test Unit 6: Geometry on Tuesday, June 7th.

Tennis on Monday, Wednesday and Friday next week. Students can wear P.E. strip all day on those days.

RazKids - reach 30 hours by June 16th.

Finish all missing work in Google classroom.

Students should bring a device (chromebook/laptop/Ipad) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It should have a keyboard attached or connected.

Scholastic orders  Access code is: RC179680

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kids a-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or Typing.com

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Today's Homework:

Math - MMS - Show What You Know pages 250 - 251 # 1 - 8 due Monday.

Sports Day on Friday Early dismissal at 12:00 pm. Students should wear P.E. clothes, but also something blue or yellow depending on their team. They were told their team colour today.

Blue Team - Aaron, Christine, Cristianna, Eric T., Eric Z., Iden, Jayden Chan, Jonathan, Kaitlyn, Kennedy, Kyle, Martin, Nick, Theepika, Zoe.

Yellow Team - Andrei, Aya, Brian, Eliana, Francesca, Jaden Siy, Jim, Larry, Liam, Marco, Patrick, Scarlette, Zamuel, Charles.

Math Test Unit 6: Geometry on Tuesday, June 7th.

RazKids - reach 30 hours by June 16th.

Students should bring a device (chromebook/laptop/Ipad) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It should have a keyboard attached or connected.

Scholastic orders  Access code is: RC179680

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kids a-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or Typing.com