May 13th, 2020
Today's Work -
Reminder that I have Pro-D meetings from 8:30 - 12 so I won't be able to answer many questions during that time. Save them for our live meeting at 1pm.
Religion - Watch the Grade 4 prayer video. Try to watch around 9:00 am if you can. If not, later is OK too.
Wednesday -
Live Meeting at 1:00 pm today.
Math - Mark Homework sheet for Lesson 10. Now we are on to Lesson 11 - Adding Decimals. Watch the Video. Do Practice Questions on page 202-203 # 1 - 9. Due tomorrow.
Grammar - Voyages 4.6 page 90 - 91 Exercises 1 - 2.
Daily Live Journal - Week 6. Work on Wednesday
Good time to catch up on work:
Assignment for Kahoot questions for Animal Crossing and Mario Maker 2. Read the instructions so you will know what to do. Finish this so it helps our Kahoot.
New Project - My Dream Vacation. Lesson 4. You need to have finished Lessons 1 - 3 first. Then move onto to Lesson 4.
This one is about climate/weather in your location and when is the best time to visit. Research some information, make a graph and summarize your information as to why you will go at a certain time.
Keep working on this if not done.
Headsprout - Click the assignment and then go to Headsprout following my instructions and do the placement test to get your reading level. If you have done this, continue on Headsprout for 1 or 2 lessons.
Miss Nelson is Missing - Listen to the story. Tell me your favourite thing about the story. Now practice the story to read it aloud. You will go to SeeSaw and record a video of yourself reading it for about 1 minute or more. You should practice for a few days and you can record the video later this week or over the weekend.
I have put up the assignment in SeeSaw. When you record, make sure you are ready to do your best reading. If you make a mistake (not tiny ones) start over. This will be marked on how well prepared you are. Don't rush as you have until Monday to record it.
Unfinished work.
Do Miss Gorman's P.E. for Wednesday if you are not exercising on your own.
Music - Go into Miss Delfin's assignment and follow the instructions.
Drama - Go into Mrs. Cooper's assignments and follow the instructions.
If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Spend 15 minutes practicing typing on