Today's Work -
Today, teachers have a Pro-D Day in the morning, so I will not be able to answer any questions until the afternoon.
You have a few assignments, but use this day to catch up on any missing work.
Religion - Watch our Grade 5 video. Today's prayer is led by Rhonarose, Gavin D., and Jake. Try to watch it around 9:00 am if possible.
Wednesday -
Math - Mark Homework Lesson 9 on page 195-196 # 1 - 13. Then do Lesson 9 Homework sheet. Due tomorrow.
Grammar - Voyages 4.5 - Page 88 and 89. Do Exercises 1 - 5. Due Sunday.
New Project - My Dream Vacation. Lesson 3. Continue on this if not done. Research and find out information about your location. You have to do Lesson 1 and 2 before starting on 3.
Check the material in Google Classroom about using See Saw from Mrs. Magel.
Daily Live Journal - Week 5. Continue with Wednesday.
Duolingo - Do 2 lessons.
Our next meeting will be Thursday at 10:00 am. We will use Zoom for it. If you are using a tablet or phone, you might need to download the app. Otherwise, just click on the link I will send you. I will post the link and more information later.
Catch up on:
Holes - Watch my video and read Chapter 40 in Holes. Then answer the Holes questions from 38 - 40.
Kahoot Poll - Please vote for the next Kahoot if you haven't already.
Fun Fact assignment. - Please create a doc and write at least one fun fact about yourself. Finish this if not done.
P.E. - Go into Miss Gorman's assignment and do the Wednesday lesson.
Music - Go into Miss Delfin's assignment and follow the instructions.
Drama - Go into Mrs. Cooper's assignments and follow the instructions.
If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Spend 15 minutes practicing typing on