Welcome to Grade Five

Welcome to Grade Five

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

May 21st, 2020

Today's Work -

Religion - Watch the Grade 3 prayer video. Try to watch around 9:00 am if you can. If not, later is OK too.
Thursday - https://youtu.be/CTtrCMm9OlE

Math - Mark Lesson 12 Homework sheet. Do Lesson 13. Watch my video and then do pages 214 - 215 #1 - 13. Due Sunday.

Holes - Listen to my video and/or read Chapter 44.

Creative Writing - My new ending. Go into the new ending assignment. Think of a movie that you would change the ending. Write about it. Use the Graphic Organizers to plan, then write.
Be very detailed in your new ending. Proofread before turning it in.

Religion - Chapter 11. Read or listen to my video on Part 1 of Chapter 11. Then do the Google Questions assignment online.

SeeSaw - Miss Nelson is Missing. This needs to be finished.

Grammar - Voyages 4.7 pages 92 and 93. Do exercises 1 and 2.

Spelling - Watch the video for Week 26. Write down the words and sentences. Mark your pre-test. Homework is 12 sentences and Spelling Homework Package due Friday. Spelling test on Friday.

Catch Up on missing work:

New Project - My Dream Vacation. Lesson 4. You need to have finished Lessons 1 - 3 first. Then move onto to Lesson 4.
This one is about climate/weather in your location and when is the best time to visit. Research some information, make a graph and summarize your information as to why you will go at a certain time.
Keep working on this if not done.

Do Miss Gorman's P.E. for Thursday if you are not exercising on your own.

Music - Go into Miss Delfin's assignment and follow the instructions.

Drama - Go into Mrs. Cooper's assignments and follow the instructions.

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.

Spend 15 minutes practicing typing on typing.com