Welcome to Grade Five

Welcome to Grade Five

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Today's Homework:

 Math - MMS pages 41 - 42 due tomorrow.

No Spelling this week.

Grammar 1.9 pages 18 - 19 Exercises 1 - 3 due Thursday.

Canada's First People Questions due Wednesday.

Religion Chapter 4 Questions due Thursday.

Unit 1 Math test went home today. All parents need to sign the test and return to school.

Columbus Residence Permission forms due by Friday. Please fill out the back. You only need to do the front if you are volunteering.

P.E. will be on Mondays and Fridays. On those days, students can come to school in their P.E. strip, They should have their uniform to change into after P.E. 

School uniform includes all black shoes. Running shoes are fine as long as they are all black (including the soles).