Today's Homework:
Math - Homework sheet pages 90 - 91 + Extra Practice 13 due tomorrow.
15 Spelling sentences due Thursday.
Spelling Homework Package due Thursday.
Spelling test Thursday.
Grammar 7.2 pages 138 - 139 Exercises 1 - 3 due Tuesday.
Social Studies: Maisonneuve and Montreal Questions due Monday.
Walkathon Friday. Early dismissal at 12:00 pm.
Science Test Thursday, May 9th. Circulatory and Respiratory Systems. Use Google Classroom if you lost your readings.
Math Test Unit 5: Fractions and Decimals on Tuesday May 14th.
Keep collecting Walkathon Pledges. We're in 4th place. We can keep climbing to get into he top 3 and win a prize.
Read for 20 minutes each day.
Practice the online programs when no homework. Duolingo,, Mathletics.
P.E. will be on Mondays and Fridays. On those days, students can come to school in their P.E. strip, They should have their uniform to change into after P.E.
School uniform includes all black shoes. Running shoes are fine as long as they are all black (including the soles).