Today's Homework:
Math - Homework sheet pages 96 - 97 + Extra Practice 3.
14 spelling sentences due Friday.
Spelling Homework Package due Friday.
Spelling test on Friday.
Return Walkathon permission forms ASAP.
Grammar 6.1 and 6.6 pages 120 - 121 and 130 - 131 Exercises 1 - 3 due Tuesday.
Holes comic due Wednesday.
Keep collecting Walkathon pledges. Grade 5 is in 2nd place right now. We have a chance at 1st place with more donations.
Walkathon on Friday. Wear P.E. strip. Early dismissal Friday at 12:00 pm.
Class photo on Tuesday, May 16th. Wear full uniform for the photo.
Permission form for Victoria Field trip went home last week. Please return permission form and $80 activity fee by May 18th.
Confirmation for parents who volunteered for our Victoria trip went home this week. We still have about 3-4 spots left if any other parents wants to join. Let me know ASAP.
Students can bring a device to school this year. We do have Chromebooks at school for those who can't bring a device. If bringing a device, we will use them Tuesdays, Thursdays and Friday.
P.E. will be on Mondays and Fridays. On those days, students can come to school in their P.E. strip, They should have their uniform to change into after P.E.
School uniform includes all black shoes. Running shoes are fine as long as they are all black (including the soles)