Today's Homework:
Math - Homework Sheet pages 98 - 99 + Extra Practice 4 due tomorrow.
Hatchet comprehension Questions chapters 1 - 2 due Tuesday.
Hatchet comic Chapters 1 - 3 due Thursday.
French Lesson 10 due Wednesday.
Math Test Unit 6: Geometry on Tuesday, June 7th.
Permission forms for the Victoria trip went home last week.
Confessions tomorrow. Use Examination of Conscience to prepare. It can be found in Google Classroom.
RazKids - reach 30 hours by June 16th.
Students should bring a device (chromebook/laptop/Ipad) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It should have a keyboard attached or connected.
Scholastic orders Access code is: RC179680
If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kids a-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or