Today's Homework:
Math - MMS pages 202 - 203 # 1 - 8 due Monday.
Holes - Vocabulary Chapters 41 - 44 due Friday.
Holes - comprehension questions chapters 41 - 44 due Monday.
Science Quiz - Circulatory and Respiratory Systems on Tuesday, April 26th. Moved back one day.
Math Test Unit 5: Fractions and Decimals will be on Wednesday, May 4th.
Track and Field Practice Tuesday and Thursday 7:30 am at Churchill Track. Wear PE strip and bring uniform to change back for those going.
RazKids - reach 26 hours by May 2nd.
Students should bring a device (chromebook/laptop/Ipad) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It should have a keyboard attached or connected.
Scholastic orders Access code is: RC179680
If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kids a-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or