Today's Homework:
Math - Worksheet pages 40 questions due tomorrow.
12 spelling sentences due Friday.
Spelling Homework package due Friday.
Bridge to Terabithia vocabulary sheets chapters 11 - 13 due Friday.
Cats and Dogs good copy due ASAP.
Science - Bicycles and Power Questions due Monday.
What I want for Christmas Good copy due Wednesday, December 15th.
Practice songs for the Christmas concert every day. Links are in Google Classroom.
Poetry Jam schedule and information in Google Classroom.
Spelling Test on Friday.
Scholastic orders Access code is: RC179680
RazKids - reach 10 hours by January 4th.
Students should bring a device (chromebook/laptop/Ipad) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It should have a keyboard attached or connected.
If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kids a-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or