Today's Homework:
Math - MMS - Show What You Know pages 66 - 67 # 1 - 13 due Monday.
Parent-Teacher Conference Letter went home today - Please complete the form and bring it to the online meeting.
14 Spelling sentences due Friday.
Spelling Homework package due Friday.
Writing - "If I had $1000" good copy due ASAP.
My Halloween Rough Copy due Monday.
Religion - Chapter 4 questions.
Grammar - 1.10 pages 20 - 21 exercises 1 - 3 due Monday.
Scholastic orders Access code is: RC179680
Poetry Jam schedule and information in Google Classroom.
Math Test - Unit 2 - Whole Numbers. On Tuesday, November 9th.
Spelling test on Friday.
Early dismissal Friday at 12:00 pm.
Please sign up for the parent-teacher goal-setting conference if you have not already done so.
Students should bring a device (chromebook/laptop/Ipad) to school every day if possible. It should have a keyboard attached or connected.
If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kids a-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or