Today's Homework:
Math - Math Homework sheet page 72 - 73 + Extra Practice 4 due tomorrow.
Spelling Homework Package due Thursday.
16 Spelling sentences due Thursday.
Spelling Test on Thursday.
Grammar - 4.1 - page 80 - 81 due Wednesday.
Confessions on Wednesday. Use Examination of Conscience to help in Google Classroom.
Religion Ch. 13 Questions due Wednesday.
Thursday is early dismissal. 12:00 pm dismissal.
No School Friday or Monday.
Science - "Blood" questions due Tuesday.
Speech Arts - Individual :
Poetry - Everyone chooses one poem. Minimum of 30 seconds. Maximum of 3 minutes. Has to be memorized.
Choose either Bible Reading or Persuasive Speech.
Check the school website for information and the Bible Readings. Link is in Google Classroom.
Have your poem chosen by next Friday.
Finish any Google Classroom work.
If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kidsa-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or