Today's Homework:
Math - Extra Practice sheet # 1- 5, 7-9 due tomorrow.
Make sure to have a ruler and graph/grid paper for tomorrow.
Confessions tomorrow. Use Examination of Conscience to prepare. It's in Google Classroom.
16 Spelling sentences due Friday.
Spelling Homework Package due Friday.
Spelling test on Friday.
French Lesson 8 due Wednesday.
Religion - Chapter 10 Questions due Monday.
The Time Machine creative writing due January 31st.
Science - Musculoskeletal Part 2 Questions due Monday.
Finish any Google Classroom work.
If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Practice times tables up to 9 for 5 minutes per day.
Do online practice on Kidsa-z, Mathletics, Duolingo or