Welcome to Grade Five

Welcome to Grade Five

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Friday, June 12th

June 12th, 2020

Today's Work -

Religion - Watch the Grade 1 prayer video. Try to watch around 9:00 am if you can. If not, later is OK too.
Thursday - https://youtu.be/AbPk-D1r23w

Live Meeting at 9:30 am.

Math - Unit 6 Lesson 4 - Other Attributes of Quadrilaterals

Spelling Test - Week 29. Put in the words into the Google Form.

Daily Live Journal for Week 10. Do Friday..

My Dream Vacation Lesson 9. Keep working on it.

Headsprout Assignment. Go into the assignment for more information.

Core Competency: Personal Awareness and Responsibility - Listen to the Story - Go into the assignment in Google Classroom to read instructions. Then go to SeeSaw and do this one under Activities.
Listen to the story and respond to it on SeeSaw. Finish this. We will talk about it during our meeting

Language Arts Practice Sheets.

Grammar Voyages 5.3 - Troublesome and Negative Words.

Self-Assessment for Report Card assignment. - Finish this and Math quiz if not done.

Holes Chapter 46 - 48 Vocabulary Sheet.

Creative Writing - My New Ending. Please work on it and hand in your best work. Finish this if not done.

My Favourite Thing - Writing project. Use the graphic organizer to help you with your ideas, then write about a page with lots of details.

My Dream Vacation Lesson 8. Planning activities/entertainment. What will you do every day?

Spelling Pre-Test Week 29. Watch the video for Week 29. Then do 12 sentences and Spelling Homework Package.

Art with Mr. Mayer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZDL9PqjtNA  

Catch up on last week if needed:

Paragraph Editing - Find the mistakes/missing punctuation in the 2 paragraphs.

Finish up on:

Do Miss Gorman's P.E. for Friday if you are not exercising on your own.

Music - Go into Miss Delfin's assignment and follow the instructions.

Drama - Go into Mrs. Cooper's assignments and follow the instructions.

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.

Spend 15 minutes practicing typing on typing.com