April 23rd, 2020
Today's Work -
Religion - Watch the Grade 7 Led Prayer video. Try to do this video first thing at 9:00 am.
Pray along and you can also sing along if you wish. https://youtu.be/y9uPJ7tlc4w
Math - Mark Homework from yesterday. Do Homework sheet for Lesson 6. Due Monday.
Mad Minute. Do the mad minute for 2 minutes and then mark it and submit your score.
Language Arts - The New Law. Creative Writing. Keep working on it. Get it checked and proofread before turning it in.
Holes- Listen/watch/read Chapter 37 and 38. Then do the assignment where you are creating questions for a Kahoot.
Find any good section in Holes from Chapter 32 - 38. Create a doc and write at least 2 questions in it. One has to be a little challenging, not too easy.
Spelling pre-test - 10 sentences and homework package due Friday.
Spelling test on Friday.
Language Arts - Daily Live Journal for Thursday. Go into the Daily Live Journal assignment and read the instructions.
Language Arts - Grammar/Voyages 4.3 page 84 and 85. Do exercises 1 - 3 due Sunday. Keep working on this if not finished.
P.E. - With Miss Gorman.
Today’s activities are in separate document attached. Title Thursay 23rd.
Do each of these activities for 40 seconds.
Cool down video
Music - Go into Miss Delfin's assignment for Week 3 and follow the instructions.
Drama - Go into Mrs. Cooper's assignments and follow the instructions.
Art - Watch the Videos from Mr. Mayer. If you didn't do it last week.
If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.
Spend 15 minutes practicing typing on typing.com
For those who wanted the grid view for Google Meet. Here it is:
It only works on the Chrome browser.