Welcome to Grade Five

Welcome to Grade Five

Monday, February 24, 2020

Practice Math drills (times tables up to 9 and division up to 9 as the divisor) every day for 5 - 10 minutes, aiming for accuracy and quickness.
Read 20 minutes every day. 

Science Project - The Digestive System due Friday, February 28th. Instructions in Google Classroom.

Social Studies Project - Discrimination in Canadian Society due Friday, February 28th. Instructions in Google Classroom.

Scholastic orders due Wednesday, February 26th.

Spelling test on Friday.

Spelling Homework package due Friday.

12 Spelling sentences due Friday.

Math Homework Sheet + Extra Practice 6 due tomorrow.

Skating field trip tomorrow. Please wear warm, comfortable clothing. You do not need to wear uniform. Bring in permission form if not handed in yet. Bring your $4 or compass card except those who have handed in $4 already.

Return Student Led Conferences forms ASAP, no later than Wednesday.