Welcome to Grade Five

Welcome to Grade Five

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Today's Homework:

Math page 133,134 # 1 - 6 and Reflect due Tuesday.
Practice Speech Arts every day.
No school Thursday and Friday as it is a Pro-D Day.
No school Monday, February 13th for BC Family Day.
Science project (The Digestive System) due Tuesday, February 14th.
Social Studies Report on Discrimination due February 22nd. All information found on Google Classroom.
Religion assignment due February 23rd.
Scholastic orders due February 14th. 
Dress up day Tuesday, February 14th. Valentine's Colours. Bring a loonie or toonie for charity.
Permission forms for Columbus Residence due Tuesday. 
Outing to Columbus Residence on Tuesday.
Work on all assignments this long weekend. 

If you have not signed up for the Student-Led Conference, please sign up ASAP. We still have many spaces left. I recommend signing up in a time slot with other people. Student-Led works best with 3 or 4 families in the classroom at the same time.