Welcome to Grade Five

Welcome to Grade Five

Monday, May 4, 2015

First Communion and Mother's Day Mass

I wanted to give a big congratulations to all the First Communicants. Everyone did a great job. It's always fun to see all the children dressed up. As I told the children, it's also the only time they will see me in a tie. We will be putting up a bulletin board soon, but I need some help. During First Communion, I am too busy to take pictures, so I need pictures to put up on our bulletin board. If you have some good pictures, please send them to me at my email nchatton@stanthonyofpaduaschool.ca
Pictures of the children, families etc would all be great. 
As soon as I have enough, I can print them out and make our
First Communion Bulletin board.

The Mother's Day Mass takes place this Wednesday. All Mother's are invited. Father are invited too, but I don't think they will get any flowers. It will start at the usual time of 9:15am in the Church. There is a tea after the Mass down in the Church Basement. 

This Friday is a Dress Up Day. The Theme this week is Spring
Colours. Please bring a loonie or toonie for charity/Grade 7 Graduation on that day.

Congratulations to our class for winning the Money in the Bag. Thank you to all students and parents for their generous donations of clothing. The Grade 2 class will receive a pizza party. I don't have a date yet, but I'm thinking of some time in June. That way we can set a date and let everyone know before hot lunch orders so we don't waste any money.

Next Tuesday, May 12th, the Grade 2 class will help lead the school in a Living Rosary Assembly. All parents are invited to attend. It will probably start around 9:15, but I will let you know when we have a confirmed time.