Welcome to Grade Five

Welcome to Grade Five

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week of February 16th

Welcome back!

I hope everybody enjoy their week off. We're right back into school this week. It will be pretty busy.

Tomorrow (16th) is 100th Day and Dress Up Day. Students may dress up in Valentine colours. Whites, Reds, Pinks and Purples. If students dress up, they are asked to bring in a loonie or toonie. Monies will to Grade 7 Graduation this time. 

If any students have been collecting 100 objects, they should bring them in for tomorrow. 

Tuesday is Reconciliation at 6:00pm in the Church. Students should wear their uniform. They do not need to bring anything else. They have been practicing with their confession sheet. As I told the students, they do not need to memorize it as I will have a special copy that they can use. They do need to be familiar with all the words and what they mean.

Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. All parents are welcome to join our school for the Ash Wednesday Mass. It will be in the afternoon rather than the morning. It should start around 1:10. 

Friday is Student Led Conferences. There will be no school that day. Students will come with their parents at their scheduled time. Students should wear their uniforms at that time.