Welcome to Grade Five

Saturday, February 28, 2015
Math Test delayed until Tuesday
I just learned on Friday that we will be having a Fire Drill in the morning on Monday. It would be right in the middle of the time in which I planned on having the Math Test. To avoid distractions, we will move the test to Tuesday.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Enrollment Mass and Math Assessment
First Communion Enrollment Mass is this Sunday at 11:30am at St. Anthony of Padua Church. The children will sit up at the front and parents can sit a few rows back. It's basically the same as the Reconciliation Enrollment Mass we had in January. Students should wear their uniform if possible. It looks nice and distinguishes the children as belonging to our school community. I'd recommend arriving 10 minutes early in order to get a nice seat.
As mentioned before we will have a Math test next Monday. It is a review of Unit 3. It's designed more to look at strategies and how to do the questions than just throwing out addition and subtraction facts. It will cover:
Math Test Unit 3: Addition and Subtraction to 18
Recognize a number as odd or even up to 100.
Able to use different strategies such as using doubles, making 10, one more, one less, two more, two less, building on a known double, addition for subtraction
to determine basic addition facts to 18 and related subtraction facts.
equal and not equal
such as:
4 + 2 (equals/not equals) 8 - 2
5 + 7 (equals/not equals) 11
Word Problems for addition and subtraction up to 18.
Reminders: Twins Day Friday and Tennis for the remainder of the week. Spelling test as usual on Friday.
Monday, February 23, 2015
First Communion and Twins Day.
Just a quick reminder that the First Communion Meeting is tomorrow at 6:00pm in the Church Basement.
Tennis is every day this week so students should be wearing P.E. strip every day.
Twins Day is coming up on Friday. If your child dresses up, the school is asking for them to donate a $1 or 2. Twins day seems to be that they dress the same as someone else (or more).
Tennis is every day this week so students should be wearing P.E. strip every day.
Twins Day is coming up on Friday. If your child dresses up, the school is asking for them to donate a $1 or 2. Twins day seems to be that they dress the same as someone else (or more).
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Student Led Conference Tomorrow!
Student Led Conferences are tomorrow, Friday, February 20th. There is no school for students outside of their scheduled conference time. Each block is scheduled for about 30 minutes.
Your child will lead you around the classroom. When you enter the classroom, please pick up a handout and a pen on the table next to the door:
This handout has all the information you need and a list of things to do with your child. Of course, if you have any questions, I will be there to assist you.
A few notes for next week:
- Students should wear their P.E. strip everyday next week for Tennis.
- First Communion Meeting will take place at 6:00 on Tuesday, February 24th in the Church Basement. Father Justin is requesting parents only (one or both is fine).
- The First Communion Enrollment Mass will take place the following Sunday, March 1st. It will be in the church and begins at 11:30am.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Week of February 16th
Welcome back!
I hope everybody enjoy their week off. We're right back into school this week. It will be pretty busy.
Tomorrow (16th) is 100th Day and Dress Up Day. Students may dress up in Valentine colours. Whites, Reds, Pinks and Purples. If students dress up, they are asked to bring in a loonie or toonie. Monies will to Grade 7 Graduation this time.
If any students have been collecting 100 objects, they should bring them in for tomorrow.
Tuesday is Reconciliation at 6:00pm in the Church. Students should wear their uniform. They do not need to bring anything else. They have been practicing with their confession sheet. As I told the students, they do not need to memorize it as I will have a special copy that they can use. They do need to be familiar with all the words and what they mean.
Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. All parents are welcome to join our school for the Ash Wednesday Mass. It will be in the afternoon rather than the morning. It should start around 1:10.
Friday is Student Led Conferences. There will be no school that day. Students will come with their parents at their scheduled time. Students should wear their uniforms at that time.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Upcoming items
The Student Led Conference forms are completed. They will be sent home tomorrow. I tried to give every one the times they wanted, however, since there will be multiple families in one time slot, it's not always possible to accommodate exact times. Although we cannot schedule a Student Led Conference for another time, if you are unable to attend, we can arrange a time to have a meeting. I'm sure this goes without saying, but the students need to attend since they will be leading their parents during their time. Every time slot is scheduled for 30 minutes.
Reminder: This Friday is a normal school day. Next week is no school for all students.
February 16th is a Dress Up Day. The Theme is Valentine's Day. Students can wear Valentine colours. White, Red, Purple and Pink. All monies go for Grade 7 Graduation.
February 16th is also our 100th Day of school. If they wish, students can bring in 100 objects that they counted. It's just for fun, so they do not have to do this. The objects can be in a bag or jar, etc. Examples: 100 Lego pieces would be a good idea. 100 cats not that good.
Thank you to all parents who responded to our First Communion survey. The consensus seems to be to go with a simpler reception.
Reconciliation will take place February 17th. With the week off, it will come pretty quickly. I will send home a practice sheet for the students with examples of what they will say and the Act of Contrition. They do not need to memorize it, but they should be familiar with it.
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