Welcome to Grade Five

Welcome to Grade Five

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Monday, June 22nd and Tuesday, June 23rd

June 22nd and June 23rd, 2020

Today's Work -

Religion - Watch the School prayer video. Try to watch around 9:00 am if you can. If not, later is OK too.
Friday - https://youtu.be/50S87J_racI

Live Meeting at 9:30 am. We will do Spelling. The 100 words! + Kahoot.

Spelling Pre-Test 100 Words!
5 Sentences. Each with 3 words in them.

Math - Show What You Know Unit 6.

Holes - Book Review

Grammar - Voyages 6.1 - Prepositions and their objects

Paragraph Editing - Page 101.

My Dream Vacation Lesson 11 - Travel Brochure. The final lesson where we put everything together for our travel brochure.

Catch Up on Last Week:

Math - Mad Minute June 19th

Headsprout Assignment. Go into the assignment for more information.

Math Unit 6 Lesson 7 - Drawing Objects. 

What's Hot What's Not Part 2.

Grammar - Voyages 5.4 - There is and There are.

Holes - Create questions for Holes Chapter 41 - 50.

Religion Chapter 13 Part I - Read the chapter and then answer the questions.

Writing - Grade 5 Year in Review.

My Dream Vacation - Lesson 10 - Map Creation

Questions for Grade 5. Help me think of things that the Grade 4's should know about me or Grade 5.

Holes Chapter 49 - 50 (The End) + Vocabulary. Listen/Read the last 2 chapters and then do the vocabulary.

Finish up on:

Do Miss Gorman's P.E. for Monday if you are not exercising on your own.

Music - Go into Miss Delfin's assignment and follow the instructions.

Drama - Go into Mrs. Cooper's assignments and follow the instructions.

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.

Spend 15 minutes practicing typing on typing.com