Welcome to Grade Five

Welcome to Grade Five

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

May 20th, 2020

Today's Work -

Religion - Watch the Grade 3 prayer video. Try to watch around 9:00 am if you can. If not, later is OK too.
Wednesday - https://youtu.be/_5Wemt8BR1o

Reminder that I am in meetings all morning so I can't answer any questions. If you have some, you ask at the live meeting.

Live Meeting at 1:00 pm today.
Join Zoom Meeting
Bring show and tell or an interesting story or fact.

Math - Mark Lesson 12 pages 208-209 # 1 - 13 using answer sheet. Homework today is Lesson 12 Homework Sheet. Due tomorrow.

Grammar - Voyages 4.7 pages 92 and 93. Do exercises 1 and 2.

SeeSaw - Miss Nelson is Missing. This needs to be finished.

Spelling - Watch the video for Week 26. Write down the words and sentences. Mark your pre-test. Homework is 12 sentences and Spelling Homework Package due Friday. Spelling test on Friday.

Mad Minute - Do the mad minute for May 19th and submit your scores. Finish if not done.

Catch Up on missing work:

Holes - Listen and read chapter 43. Then do vocabulary for Chapter 43.

New Project - My Dream Vacation. Lesson 4. You need to have finished Lessons 1 - 3 first. Then move onto to Lesson 4.
This one is about climate/weather in your location and when is the best time to visit. Research some information, make a graph and summarize your information as to why you will go at a certain time.
Keep working on this if not done.

Do Miss Gorman's P.E. for Wednesday if you are not exercising on your own.

Music - Go into Miss Delfin's assignment and follow the instructions.

Drama - Go into Mrs. Cooper's assignments and follow the instructions.

If all work is done, spend 20 minutes reading a book.

Spend 15 minutes practicing typing on typing.com