Welcome to Grade Five

Welcome to Grade Five

Monday, February 8, 2016

Student Led Conference

I hope every one had a great long weekend. 

We have a busy next few weeks.

This Wednesday, the school will have Mass at 1:10 for Ash Wednesday. All parents are welcome as usual. No Mass in the morning on that day.

Friday, February 12th is the Student Led Conference. The forms with your time will go home tomorrow. Please check your child's bag. There is no school on that day, but your child has to come to the conference with you. 

Next Monday, February 15th is Pink shirt Dress Up day. Please bring in a loonie or toonie for charity. Students can dress up in a pink shirt for Valentine's Day/Anti-bullying. They do not have to wear their uniform with a pink shirt. Regular clothes are fine.

Tuesday, February 16 is First Confession. Reminder that the time was changed to 5:30pm in the church.