Welcome to Grade Five

Welcome to Grade Five

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Last Week before Spring Break

Our class will be traveling to St. Francis Xavier school on Wednesday. We will leave around 11:30 am. There is a chance that hot lunch will not be ready before we leave. We will be eating earlier, around 11:00 to 11:15 am. Students with hot lunch may want to bring extra in case there is no time for hot lunch. If you have not returned permission forms, please do so as soon as possible. Students without permission forms will have to stay at our school. It seems our class will be performing starting from 1:30 to anytime until it ends around 2:45 pm.

We will take a snack to the Speech Arts. Please have a snack in a bag(ziplock/brown bag) with your child's name on it. A snack that can be thrown in the garbage or recycled after they finish. Nothing that needs to be brought back home.

Friday is a full day. It is a dress up day as well. It is Fancy, Funny Fashion. Students can dress up fancy or fun/wacky/casual.

Report Cards go home on Friday as well. 

Scholastic Orders are due tomorrow (Wednesday).

Sunday, February 21, 2016


Tennis begins this week and is every day. Students will need to wear this PE strip every day this week. 

Our class will be traveling to St. Francis Xavier School on Wednesday, March 2nd to participate in the regional Speech Arts. Parents are welcome to attend. We should be performing from 12:30. Some time during the afternoon.
Please return permission slips as soon as possible.

Reminder about the First Communion meeting this Tuesday, February 23rd. It will begin at 6:15pm in the Grade 2 classroom. It will be similar to the last one only focused on First Communion. It is for parents so children do not need to come. If you cannot find a sitter, there will be somewhere for the children to stay during the meeting. 

We will have a Math test for Unit 3 on Wednesday. 
Addition and Subtraction to 18.
There will be word problems, questions related to strategies such as Make 10, doubles and near doubles. Equals or Not Equals. Also is a number even or odd up to 100. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Full Week

We are finally back to a full week of school. It will be pretty busy.

Monday is a dress up day. Valentine's colours. Children can wear a pink shirt or red or purple or white. They can wear any pants they wish. If they dress up, the school is asking for a donation of $1 or 2 for charity.

Tuesday is First Confession for the students who will receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist this year. If you are unable to attend, please contact Fr. Justin to arrange another time for Reconciliation. 
We will meet in the church at 5:30. If possible, we would like students to wear their uniform. 

Wednesday is the school Speech Arts. Classes poems will be performed between 9 and 10am on Wednesday. Individual for primary will be right after recess at 10:30am. 

Friday is the 100th Day of school. I've told the students that they can bring in 100 objects on that day. The objects should be in a jar or bag etc (such as 100 jellybeans or buttons or cards etc). It should be exactly 100. They do not have to do this, only if they want to have some fun. 

St. Anthony's is having its annual Seekers Social in April. I know the school sent out an email about it, Hopefully everyone saw that mail. The school is asking for a $5 donation that will go towards a class gift (Our grade 2 class this year will prepare a movie basket). The gifts are then auctioned off with the money going to support our school. If you have not yet done so, please send in the $5 soon as we can then start making our movie basket. Thank you. 

Spelling and Math are back this week.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Student Led Conference

I hope every one had a great long weekend. 

We have a busy next few weeks.

This Wednesday, the school will have Mass at 1:10 for Ash Wednesday. All parents are welcome as usual. No Mass in the morning on that day.

Friday, February 12th is the Student Led Conference. The forms with your time will go home tomorrow. Please check your child's bag. There is no school on that day, but your child has to come to the conference with you. 

Next Monday, February 15th is Pink shirt Dress Up day. Please bring in a loonie or toonie for charity. Students can dress up in a pink shirt for Valentine's Day/Anti-bullying. They do not have to wear their uniform with a pink shirt. Regular clothes are fine.

Tuesday, February 16 is First Confession. Reminder that the time was changed to 5:30pm in the church.